Occupational Therapy

Our creative occupational therapy team helps infants and children achieve independence in various aspects of their daily lives. We facilitate play, learning and self-care skills by improving thier fine motor skills, sensory processing abilities, behavioural and visual perceptual skills in a fun and engaging setting.

Art Based Therapy

We use multiple art forms like music, drama, visual arts, dance - movement and their combination to work towards therapeutic goals to improve children's gross and fine motor skills, social interaction, congnitive abilities and decrease behavioural issues.



Our dedicated physiotherapy team works to acquire maximum functional mobility in children with disabilities or injuries.We use specialized, one-on-one techniques to address gross motor deficits in gait (walking), balance, strength, range of motion and safety in a playful and interactive environment.

Special Education

Our expert remedial therapy team helps children develop their skills rather than on content and develop their strength. and fill in the gaps in learning. We facilitate language and vocabularydevelopment, math operations, squencing, abstract reasoning, logical thinking, handwriting skills, functional academic skills and socio-behavioural skills.



Our psychologists evaluate children in various domains and help understand their strength and weaknesses. They counsel children and families to help them deal with behavioural issues and also inculcate self-belief and confidence to deal with stressful situations.

Speech Therapy

Our dynamic speech and language therapy team assesses and implements therapy for children with articulation, voice, fluency(i.e. stuttering), language, feeding and swallowing disorders in a positive and motivating atmosphere. We also work on social and communication skills.


Diagnosis we cater to

Autism spectrum disorder
Learning Disability
Cerebral Palsy
Downs Syndrome
Genetic Disorders
Sensory Processing Disorder
Rehabilitation for pediatric orthopedic conditions - CTEV, CDH , Brachial plexus injury, post fractures, postural deformities like scoliosis.